Blaster 0.4 - A top down space shooter (massive cloning)

Game Introduction

This game is all about finding out what Scratch 2 can do. * Cloning! - Many laser bullets * Cloning! - Many enemies * Cloning! - Many parallax stars * Leader board - Well... non of that until they enable those cloud variables :) *Problems I've overcome* While working on this game and using Scratch 2 beta, I found a rather annoying flaw in using clones... Namely that although you can tell that one clone was hit by another clone of a given type... you can't work out which one it actually was. (At least in no easy way, except by using a broadcast and check in the other direction to test for the same collision the other way around. This has flaws too because when multiple clones are colliding at the same time you will no know which one was colliding with which one... Still... This hasn't caused me too much trouble as yet!) *Credits* * All scripts are my own. * I drew the spaceship myself, although I based it on one from google images :) * The asteroid is the '21 Lutetia' asteroid (see: * Inspiration for the enemy ships come from google images (I have borrowed one of the alien ships, but I intend to replace with my own one soon) * The music was sourced from ''

How To Play

Newest Game -> This project is 'Work In Progress' - There's still loads more to do, but you can get a general idea from what I've put up here. *Aim of the Game* Destroy all the waves of aliens as they fly down the screen to annihilate Earth of course. Watch out, you only get 3 lives... Highest score wins! :) *Controls* Steer and aim your ship with the mouse, left click and hold to fire.




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