I'm A Cat AMV

Game Introduction

by me- ow. Special thanks to @BubblePengy for a feature suggestion! @The_Trollface for more inspiration, and @Blobfish_of_Doom for even more! Toby Fox for da Tem and Flowey :3 Oh gosh, time really goes by quickly... i was 11 when I made this--

How To Play

Hey blobbies, I'm back :D Epilepsy warning??? WHOOOOOOO!!!!! 101,000 views!!!!*flopping arms in the air more vigorously* Inspired by Parry Gripp- i'm a cat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eWgN56waqQ click lots flag,there's lots lag. <--- *shrug* This went from an animation test to a whole dang AMV I DO NOT DO ANYTHING OR KNOW ANYTHING WARRIOR CAT RELATED!(well, except the CCs sometimes.) I'm bored.... Thumbnail changed! :D Oh wait... I recommend full screen, less lagness OMG FEATURE 0-0 So many comments, hard to respond to them all .____.' my hand hurts x.X Just cuz I don't respond to your comment don't mean that I don't care about you! You guys are so awesome, i'm so grateful that you featured this! Btw Please, if you want me to look at a project, message me on my profile.




Game Information

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11.9k favorites