Can't Sleep Love Meme (Anthony x Marcy)

Game Introduction

People really like Simon for some reason??? Ha! wait till you see the stuff I've got planned for him! Trust me; he's an unlikeable character!!! _____________________________ I support CREATIVE remixing. Which means that you draw it in your own style. I know some people won't listen, but i'd rather see remixes where people are creative and TRY. The more you practice the better you get hun! No one is born with instant talent! ;) Feel free to use the coding and the music though! ^-^ CHARACTERS [belong to me / @artisticdragonpaw] Poorly drawn dog, that looks like a cat, is Anthony Grey/Blue, poorly drawn dog, is Simon [Anthony's cousin] Orange/Green cat is Oz [Grover's BFF] Cat with goggles on it's head is Grover [Marcy's little bro] Cat with a bow is Marcy [would have done Salty but he's a character involved with Oz and Grover mainly... so he was replaced with Simon] Basically this is just some poor excuse for a Anthony x Marcy ship Marthony OTP everyone!! xD Also, have I ever mentioned that Marcy has slight OCD? Nope? well, now you know! I've also been trying to vary the looks of my characters... since they used to all just looked similar with different colours slapped on top!

How To Play

Original Meme by OatsAndToasts Avena [YouTube] Meme song is Can't Sleep Love by Pentatonix Ending song is Squid Island! by Hyper Potions Scratch version by @artisticdragonpaw [just so if someone remixes but doesn't credit I put the stuff up here for good measures]




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