Bird Rock!
Game Introduction
Thank you SO much @SadieStacyLOL for the proposing this project to be featured! I appreciate it SO SO SO SOOOOOOO much!!! :D (◕‿ฺ◕) :D Thanks to @WOLF_MASTER2015 for the new thumbnail! :) - Many thanks to "Tenor" and "GIPHY" for all of the wonderful Birdie GIFS. - Another thanks to Pixabay for the Music. -One more thanks to the helpful Scratchers who have clicked that heart or star button. Thanks for all your help! :) -Note- WOW! I've never got this many people looking at my projects. Thank you everyone! :)
How To Play
Click the green flag to watch the show. Warning for the headphone users, you don't want to end up like this: (◑﹏◐). XD Thank you for featuring Scratch Team! I'm so happy! :D -An important note- No advertising please! I see all... (⓿_⓿)
Game Information
Game Popularity
Collection Count
3.0k favorites