The Entire Bible on Scratch!
Game Introduction
FROM WHERE THAT BIBLE IS: * The two translations of Bible are from at: * if you came until here, go at * if you are asking who is Jehovah? that is the name of god: HOW I MADE THIS PROJECT: * using a java program, downloaded all pages of correspondent chapters of correspondent books of bible, at<BookName>/<Chapter>/ * created a java code that parses html and parsed all html pages to extract only the text correspondent to each versicle, and all verses are stored in a BIG txt file, with other two 'offset' files also to guide the search * uploaded this using offline editor, because big projects don't upload on the online editor * impossible to upload a update of a project using offline editor, so if you upload and share, its done, impossible to reupload and ovewrite... so it will continue this way... **if you want to improve the way that verses are choosen or displayed, feel free to remix, but be aware, the online editor don't work when you have a project with more than 2 or 3 megabytes, so if you make a project based on this, please give a comment here.
How To Play
Select your language,(by writing "pt" for portuguese or "en" for english) Choose a book, then a Chapter, then a Verse, and it will be displayed this is the entire bible in two languages!, i've not hand-writed all verses, i've writed a java program to download, parse, then append all content in a single txt Statistics so far: 28.59% of views favorited and loved 17.20% of views commented
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