Warrior Game

Game Introduction

Part Two: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/387803813/ Official Studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/26454393 Thanks to @-AmberKitti- and @moss-shadow!! Without them, this wouldn't even exist! And thanks to my friends, @rain-kit , @Mud5252 , @Whirlingdash369 , and Leafstorm and Thunderstrike, who don't have Scratch accounts. That's all. Enjoy my Warrior Game!

How To Play

Hello! Welcome to the Warrior Game! I hope you enjoy playing it! If this is your first time playing, read the instructions down below. - INSTRUCTIONS - - click the green flag twice - say "yes" or "no". Make sure to spell it right - say only the prefix of your name at the beginning - press M to toggle the music ♪ on or off - press S to sit down - MOVING - - arrow keys to walk - walk to the left or right side of the screen to get to different areas - click the den entrances to go inside dens; walk to the left side of the screen to get out - INTERACTING - - click on cats to talk - press space to hunt - press space to fight - eat prey by clicking the fresh-kill pile - FAQ - Q: Can you have kits? A: Yes, you can! If you're a warrior or a deputy, you can have kits with Mistletoe if you're a tom and Flamepelt if you're a she-cat. Q: What do you do after Jaystripe dies? A: Talk to Bluestar. Q: What do you do after you become deputy? A: Talk to Bluestar. Q: Can you reunite Patchy and Bright? A: Yes! Talk to Brightberry in the elders den, then talk to Patchy. Q: Can I be a medicine cat? A: Yes- just talk to Jaystripe before becoming an apprentice. Q: Part 2? A: Part 2 is linked in the Notes and Credits! - Have fun! -




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