Endless Portal Fall
Game Introduction
Credit to Foxgirlgamer for idea. :3 I used her project as a reference. -------------------------- How do you tell when you've played too much Portal/Portal 2? Well, I mean.. I asked for a bagel to be "tested." I meant to say "toasted" The song is 'Still Alive' from Portal.
How To Play
None, and if you like this project, take five seconds (which is 0.0057% of your day) to click 'love-it'. :3 ------------------------- 5/26/13 - WOW. Top featured, and all these love-its/favorites/views?! This was just a way to practice motion, and the pic is horrible, I wasn't trying to make it good. o_O but.. um, thanks! :3 Seriously, thanks!
Game Information
Game Popularity
Collection Count
1.4k favorites