The Band - Lego Stop-Motion

Game Introduction

This got featured...YAY!! This was originally going to just be a test to see if stop-motion videos with a storyline could be in one audio track and also in less than 60 seconds: And it was successful! Then, out of habit on social-media, I clicked share and showed my whole family. Then, about 5 months later, it got featured! At first, I thought it was a bug in the website; but when I looked at my mail icon, it said I had 605 mail! Thank you, to all the viewers and to the Scratch Team! Check out my new Lego Marvel stop-motion: —Music download: —Piano tutorial: —Featured on 8/13/16! Thanks! —This is a Lego Stop-Motion about a Garage Band trying in their studio to become a real Band and get on the Radio. Enjoy! -------How To Make A Stop Motion Like This One: —The Band 2 is now out. Link: — —Voice Actors: Steve Nai as DJ — Evog Nai as Music Publisher —If you like my profile, I recommend checking out @mr_ninjabatman! —You can use the song if you want to. I didn't write it, the original song is by Alex Skrindo, but then I edited it. —Thanks for remixing!

How To Play




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