Shadow Ninja
Game Introduction
How To Play
-------SHADOW NINJA------- Traverse the four realms and collect the four elemental scrolls of power to gain extra abilities! --------PLEASE DON'T ADVERTISE------- -------CONTROLS------- - [ARROW KEYS] or [WASD] to move - [DOWN ARROW] to crouch - [SPACE] or [CLICK] to attack - [Q] to switch weapon (or click the weapon display in the top-right) - [Z] to read signs (press again to exit) - [P] to pause - [M] adjust music volume - Hold the left/right arrow key (based on player's direction) to hold onto the wall and stop sliding - Crouch or wall-slide in shadows to hide in them, preventing the enemies from seeing and/or attacking you - walls with a knife sticking out of them can be broken with the swords - Tap the bottom-left side of the screen to activate the mobile joystick -------NOTES------- I'm... Featured, apparently. Thanks Scratch Team? UPDATE: I've toned down the shadows a bit, hopefully that makes the spikes a bit more visible; Added WASD support. UPDATE: As per popular request, I've added touchscreen controls! Click on the weapon icon in the top-left to change weapon. Click on signs when they're touching the player to read them. Click when not moving to attack. I've also made the fires a bit higher contrast, so hopefully they're more visible in the fire realm now. UPDATE: Hitbox adjusted again. Enemies coming in contact with the player's swords should no longer kill the player! Also halved the time it takes to hide in the shadows. People seem to keep getting stuck in a place they're not supposed to go. DO NOT HEAD RIGHT AFTER YOU COLLECT THE SCROLL OF AIR! Instead, head back to the start and go up. Following this path will take you to the fire realm, where you're meant to go. -------CREDITS------- Based on @Griffpatch's "classic platformer" youtube tutorial series. (Credit to @Griffpatch) Credit to @Henry_Air-Tist for the base character (Spider-Man from "Spiderman PS4 (2D) ( )) and movement animations Credit to @iYyann for the torii gates ( ) (can't believe I forgot to do this) Music is "Ninjago Overture", from Lego Ninjago and taken from Youtube ( ) Brief rundown on the different enemies: Ooze: Looks like a very dark red rectangle. Resides in the realm of air. WindWarrior: Armoured ninja with some control over the element of air... they can reflect projectiles away from themselves. Resides in the Realm of Air. Fire Samurai: Armoured samurai immune to lava. Resides in the Realm of Fire. Earthen Vanguard: Elite earthen warrior. Carries a spear and shield (Can only be attacked from behind). Resides in the Realm of Earth. Ice Ninja: Expert at camouflage. Throws shuriken from afar. Resides in the Realm of Ice.
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