10 10-minute games!
Game Introduction
YOU CAN ONLY ADVERTISE IF YOU ADDED THIS TO 20 STUDIOS AND ADDED "DONE" INTO YOUR AD! first love and fave: @CUSophiaLin first remix: @Bo_Projects games 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 10 are mobile friendly, the rest aren't comment your favourite game! fun fact: this is my 10th game (the contest doesn't count) CREDIT: me for all of the code :) scratch for some of the sprites. mazegenerator for the maze used in game 3. @-xaf- for the music. TAGIES! #all
How To Play
NEW GAME! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1073801775 welcome to 10 10-minute games! a project containing 10 games each made in 10 minutes! INSTRUCTIONS click on a game to start it, and click on the dice to get a random game. click on the music note to turn music on/off, click on the back buttom in a game to go back. GAME 1: 2-PLAYER PONG: use W and S to move player 1, and use arrow keys to move player 2, try to deflect the ball. GAME 2: CLICKER click on the apple to get more apples, and buy upgrades to get even more apples! GAME 3: MAZE use arrow keys to move, try to get to the star. GAME 4: CATCH use mouse to move the bowl, try to catch the fruit. GAME 5: RUNNER use up arrow to jump (over the rocks) and down arrow to slide (under the bat) GAME 6: JETPACK CAT click or use any key to go up, release to go down, this is a remake of my game jetpack cat: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/967896978/ GAME 7: AIRBALLOON FRENZY use mouse to dodge other airballoons, this is a remake of my game airballoon frenzy: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/970813581/ GAME 8: FLAPPY BIRD click or use any key to flap, dodge the pipes. GAME 9: SHOOTER use arrow keys to move, click to shoot, green zombies have 1 health, orange zombies have 3. GAME 10: DODGE use your mouse to move, dodge triangles and lasers. NOTE: all games are made in 10 minutes, but they are slightly modified to fit in this project, the gameplay and art is still the same.
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