Infinity - A Platformer
Game Introduction
-- MAIN CREDITS -- @Lamb1000 - 75% of project (Visuals + Code) @BenjaminSpy - 15% of project (Love & Fave detector) @Depicklator - 10% of project (Gravity Engine) -- MUSIC -- Unity - TheFatRat Journey Into Tomorrow - Tony Rodini Legendary Epic Heroes - Alex Productions -- TAGS -- #all -- AWARDS -- @dotquestionmark for being the first to complete the game! @SickTick for completing the whole game without dying! - SHOUTOUTS - @Heatherfire, @BleachSupplier, @coinytherealist. @sillyhat123, @D4Playz, @NFLprojects, @990games, @moldchez -- KNOWN BUGS -- Momentum does not reset after dying. Laser hitboxes are too big. Hey there, Scratcher! If you see this, comment "caught in 4k" below.
How To Play
Welcome to Infinity - A Platformer! -- EXPLAINATION -- The goal of Infinity is to get through all the levels. Dying will reset you to the beginning of a level. The color of the ground at each level indicates the difficulty of said level. These are the level difficulties and their colors: Green - No Threat Blue - Very Easy Yellow - Easy Orange - Medium Red - Difficult Purple - Very Difficult All levels are possible! -- STAGES -- There are three stages. At the end of each stage, there is a Boss Level that is significantly harder than the normal levels. A new threat is added after each stage except for the final one. -- CONTROLS -- Use WASD, Arrow Keys, or mobile control to move around. -- LOVE + FAVORITE -- Love and favorite to get a special skin! -- FEEDBACK -- Do you have any questions or feedback for the game? Feel free to drop it in the comments! -- COMMENT RULES -- Ads will be deleted unless you are following @Lamb1000 (I will be verifying). Hate and toxicity will be reported. -- FAQ -- Q: How do I get past the Think Outside The Box level? A: The top platform is there for a reason ;) Q: Why is it called Infinity? It isn't infinite! A: Originally, when you completed the game, it took you back to the start (therefore being infinite) to do the game all over again. That idea was scrapped, but I decided to keep the name. Also, it has a space theme, and the universe is infinite.
Game Information
Game Popularity
Collection Count
2.0k favorites