Blob Platformer

Game Introduction

Tysm @TerribleGames123 for most of this project! For some reason I’m obsessed with this project and i love the blob! Please heart and star for more projects! Stop hating!!! I gave credit and got permission to make this don't comment: Oh this is the same as blah blah blah, I gave credit thank you very much! Pls follow my studio: :)

How To Play

Tysm for playing :) Please follow @Sempaty for more! I really would like it if you could heart and star for more :) WASD to move/move your finger around to also move, Mobile and PC friendly :) Sorry for not publishing any games recently, i have a studio to manage but now i made this :) Ads and f4f are allowed if u like and fave this game and follow me :) Pls follow this studio: Famous Commenters: @An_Avocado_Animator @marshmellothelegend @The3Animations @mariocrafter @FinitePlane What Stop Scrolling I TOLD YOU TO STOP SCROLLING!!! STOP!!!! Comment Blob




Game Information

Game Popularity


Collection Count

673 favorites