☁️MMO RACE☁️ remix

Game Introduction

If you enjoyed this project, consider following @_TigerX2_ and @The _Scratcher_1_ ============================================= ✦griffpatch for some platformer stuff and the cloud tutorial ✦Kenny.nl for art ✦Crossy Road castle for music

How To Play

"this is good!!" -@TrentonTNT "Amazing :D" -@PhilHub "One of my favourite games of 2023! Well done :D" -@Platform_maker444 ✦✦ Welcome to MMO RACE: A multiplayer platformer! Race to the finish line and be crowned the ultimate champion! Play with friends and much more! =========================================== ✦✦Match's start every 5 minutes, so just hold on tight✦✦ You know the rules: Arrow keys to move or mobile thingy =========================================== I FINALLY HAVE A STUDIO! Want to join the Tiger Team? https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33645748




Game Information

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4 favorites