
Game Introduction

Credits: Coding: @minirag 5% @-Drizzle- %95 Music: Vexento - Pixel Party (thank you @TheFunPerson1) Everything Else: @-Drizzle- 100% Notes: My first project! I like to think of it as a overly complicated take of a very simple game. Plus, playing with a potato is a goal you can take off your bucket list! Thank you @happymango for curating! I sadly wont be able to respond to all of the comments

How To Play

Curated! Thank you @happymango 8 - 6 - 16 Top loved! 8 - 8 - 16 Have you ever play Rock, Paper, Scissors against a potato. I'm sure you haven't. Well, now you will. How to play: Make sure to double click the flag!!! Click rock, paper or scissors (you may have to click twice) After you choose, the potato will randomly choose Then you see who won Simple!




Game Information

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1.2k favorites