Prank Your Neighbor
Game Introduction
Notes: - This game is mobile friendly - This is mostly a game of luck, sometimes you will just lose and there was nothing you could have done about it. Other times you get an easy win. - This is a game I used to play with friends regularly during our free time in high school. If you've played a similar game before, the rules here may be slightly different from other variations of this card game. The rules in this project are the way we used to play it. Credits: - Most of the music is from Animal Crossing: New Horizons - One background and one music track is from Spongebob - Credit to @Za-Chary for recording the voice lines for the Za-Chary character - Credit to @Za-Chary for some of the Card costumes and handwriting of the CDF and Heat Equations. - All other voice lines and all sound effects were recorded by me, @DD-8861 (using voice filters on some of the voice lines) - All other art was drawn by me, @DD-8861 - All of the code was made by me, @DD-8861
How To Play
In this card game, all players get one card. You can either keep the card you got, or trade it with the person to your left. Whoever ends up with the lowest card loses! You only see your own card, so you don't know what you will get for trading. When a player wants to trade, the person to their left must do the trade, they cannot refuse unless they have a king. A king blocks trades, and you must stay when you have a king. In this game, Kings are the highest (best) cards, and Aces are the lowest (worst) cards. In ranking the cards, number value is most important, but when comparing cards with the same number value, the suit determines which is higher. From best to worst, the order is: Spades > Hearts > Clubs > Diamonds So the King of Spades is the best card in the game, and the Ace of Diamonds is the worst card. Play starts with the person to the left of the dealer, and play goes clockwise around the table as each player either decides to stay or trade. When it is the dealer's turn, since everyone else has already gone, instead of trading with the person to their left, they may trade with the top card on the deck.
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