Underfell: Sans fight

Game Introduction

Thanks to Toby Fox For creating Undertale. Music was created by keno9988 NOTES: For best experience, use Firefox, as it will lag less. Also, do not play in full screen. Use small screen, as it lags less and using full screen warps the pixels. Also, the item menu might freeze if you spam the back and select button on it, or if you select the pie the frame right after you enter the menu. Don't worry, this almost never happens, but you have been warned.Finally, all the attacks have been tested and they are all possible to no-hit. Also no RP in comments

How To Play

Hey there! This is my Underfell Sans fight! Remember, in Underfell, Sans is a pacifist boss, so sparing is necessary for the real ending. CONTROLS ------------- Z: Select/forward text X: Deselect Arrow keys: move Up arrow key: Jump (blue soul)




Game Information

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9.2k favorites