StoryShift! Themes (MASHUP UPDATE!)

Game Introduction

OHH BOY I HAVE A LOT OF PEOPLE TO CREDIT There was this website that I got Boneache, Histrousle, Blazing Sorceress, Battle Against a True Parent, Ashore Takes Action, Spear Crusher, Der Skelettkoing, Metalo Crushes Back, and Death by Justice from...But I can't remember the name of it...I will try to figure out though! I got Power of ULTRA from NeilandNASA ( I got Megaloglamour from pinkumbreon ( I got Ghosts and Dreams from Dorked on SoundCloud ( I got SPOOK the World from konig9988ii on SoundCloud ( I got Your Ghost Nightmare from Umbra Extensions on YouTube ( Did the mashup myself. (SORRY IT SUCKS LOL) Used: (Battle Against a True Parent) I know I forgot some. If we reach 1000 veiws I might add them~

How To Play

STORYSHIFT IS MY (2nd) FAVORITE AU OMG i am such a noob for storyshift asriel omg :3 xD But who isn't? Remember the mashup glitch you all loved? I removed it. BUUUUUUUTTTT!!!! I added a new command! See the list! a: Boneache b: Histrousle c: Blazing Sorceress d: Battle Against a True Parent e: Asgore Takes Action f: Spear Crusher g: Death by Justice h: Power of ULTRA i: Megaloglamour j: Der Skelettkoing??? (I forget how to spell lol) k: Ghosts and Dreams l: SPOOK the World m: Your Ghost Nightmare n: Metalo Crushes Back o: Playlist mode p: (NEW UPDATE!) (Give me a name suggestion for this one I can't think of anything) (LISTEN TO THE WHOLE THING PLS XD)




Game Information

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185 favorites