Undertale SANS FIGHT

Game Introduction

Check out these Sans battles other people made. Much better, complete, challenging 他の人が作りました完成版 https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/116373718/ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/837954318/ Splatoon Online! スプラトゥーンオンライン https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/815938308/ If you like this project, please check out my other games - I have so many different kinds from Mario to Fortnite to random stuff! Dec. 8th 2018 - 10,000 loves! I thank you all from the bottom of my heart :) 4/20 - Thanks for 100,000 views everyone!!! :D 12/5 - What the Community is LOVING!!! 12/6 - What the Community is REMIXING!!! July 2020: 18829 Hearts, 15925 Stars, 4444 Remixes, 1,560,955 VIEWS!! 1.56 MILLION!!!!! THANK YOU ALL! Nov 11 2020: 21468 loves, 18148 favorites, 5430 remixes, 1,757,643 million views. I have no words. Sep 20 2022: 29626 loves, 25057 favorites, 7832 remixes, 2,669,048 views. I still have no words. JAN 12 2023: FIXED THE ITEM BUTTON FINALLY!!!!!! May 16 2023: 3 million views! 32144 loves Love and favorite if you like how it's turning out! ALL CREDIT goes to Toby Fox and his game Undertale. :) 85% of programming by me ( @FunnyAnimatorJimTV ) HUGE thanks to @Spacer789 for a TON of inspiration, and some of the sprites! :) HUGE thanks to @The_Guy_ for drawing the vector Sans, and for inspiration! :) @LionScratch @Hobson-TV Whoever made the platformer script

How To Play

アンダテサンズ戦 アンダーテール 永遠未完成 - This was a work in progress and won't be finished - I hadn't made past the big Gaster Blasters Instructions: Z - Select, Confirm 決定 X - Skip speech 早いセリフ Arrow keys - Move, Jump, Choose 矢印キー移動と選択 - Don't touch white stuff - Stay still to not get hit by blue stuff - Jump on the platforms - Stay alive (until the fight stops halfway through) - Have fun :) Alright, I'll admit Undertale is a pretty cool game to be honest (even though I haven't played it)




Game Information

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32.2k favorites