Hard Parkour

Game Introduction

First ever platformer lol ================================================== FP Curated: January 27, 2017 Thank you so much to @Sohpatrol2 for suggesting this to be curated, @Snow-Puppy who chose to curate it it as FPC, and the Scratch Team for showing it! - 2-5-2017 : Wow! Thank you so much for putting this on "Top Remixed"! - 2-1-2017 : OH MY GOSH Thank you all so much for putting this project under "What the Community is Loving" on the Scratch home page! ================================================== *If you get 1000 deaths, the game will stop & you need to start over.* *All of these levels are possible.(Except level 16)* I have done them multiple times. ================================================== @Will_Wam , Thank you for your help finding a glitch. If you would like, press L for your custom logo. ================================================== FEEL FREE TO REMIX as long as something is changed. ================================================== Remember, "impossible" really says "I'm Possible" This is my best game, and I hope you like it, too. PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS SO I KNOW WHAT TO IMPROVE! Any rude ones will be deleted and possibly reported! ================================================== *UPDATES* - 12-04-2016 : Initial release - 12-16-2016 : Added 5 levels and another boss. - 12-17-2016 : Fixed glitch on second boss. - 12-17-2016 : Added different colors for player - 12-18-2016 : Added level 16 and level 17 - 1- 27-2017 : 100 Loves! - 1- 29-2017 : Added level 18 - 1- 29-2017 : 150 Favorites! - 1-30-2017 : 200 Loves! - 2-1-2017 : 200 Favorites! - 2-3-2017 : Added level 19 - 2-4-2017 : 250 Favorites! - 2-5-2017 : 300 Loves! - 2-7-2017 : 350 Loves! - 2-15-2017 : 300 Favorites! 500 loves! On my first ever platformer attempt! Thanks so much!!! :D ================================================== *Inspired by Impossible Parkour by @F1n* ==================================================

How To Play

Update: I made a 100% pen platformer that (in my opinion) is the best project I've made. You can find it on my profile if you're interested! READ ALL OF THIS BEFORE PLAYING!!! Instructions in game - Double click green flag to start - You are the circle (Press a number 0-9 to change colors!) - Arrow Keys to move - Get to the yellow and touch it - Don't touch red - Green makes you jump higher - Swim in light blue - Skip level 16. It's a test for how many deaths you get before realizing it. =====================*CHEATS*===================== - S to skip a level - A to go back a level - P to pause *Pause will not stop a boss from killing you.* - M to teleport to mouse




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1.6k favorites