Pokémon Battles
Game Introduction
Hey, go check out my other pokemon project too. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/168203361/ Pokemon belongs to Game Freak and Nintendo and stuff. The music is mostly from pokemon black and white, and again belongs to Game Freak and Nintendo and stuff. Some of the graphics, like a few overworld sprites and battle sprites are mine, but the rest belong to belongs to Game Freak and Nintendo and stuff. Now for a thing. 'The HP bar went all the way down but the enemy didn't faint.' This is actually an issue with the health bar, if the enemy only has the tiniest bit of HP left, sometimes it will looks like they have no Hp left at all. 'Thingy's weak to _ when it shouldn't be!' Yeahh. I noticed this a bit. Um... I really don't know how to fix this, just go with it. Pretend it does this in the actual games, or something. Sorry. 'The text goes out of the box slightly!' Yeah but the scripts for the cutscenes are really big and my laptop lags when I go to edit them, so I don't really like editing the text. Sorry. 'How long did this take?' Dunno. Just worked on it when I was bored. 'On the forth battle the pokemon I sent out was the wrong color.' ... What. You mean, like... a shiny? I programmed a 1/8192 chance for a pokemon to be shiny on the forth battle... 'The game's stuck and won't do anything.' Uhh... Just continually spam the space bar? I don't know, i'm no good at this! Why are you asking me? 'Why didn't you reply to my comment?' Oh, that'll just me my crippling social anxiety. Sorry if I seem rude. I can't talk to people offline either. 'I looked inside the project and my computer crashed and then caught on fire.' Yeah. There's quite a few scripts, isn't there? I'm sure there's an easier way to code all this, but whatever. 'Most status moves don't actually do anything.' Uh.. Well, who uses status moves, anyway? ... Sorry. I just got a bit lazy. Again, feel free to remix and fix the status moves or something. 'WHY DOES IT TAKE SO LONG TO LOAD?' Because I'm terrible at coding and do things in the most inneficient, glitchy way possible because I'm too lazy to stretch my brain enough to think of a better solution. Sorry. 'What's your favourite pokemon?' Weavile. That's why you can choose it for all four battles. I mean, you can do that with pikachu as well, but I just added that for the lols. If you wanna use pikachu against garchomp, I won't stop you. 'Why can't I get a critical hit?' I didn't program critical hits because I̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶g̶o̶t̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶o̶ ̶l̶a̶z̶y̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶c̶h̶a̶n̶g̶e̶ ̶i̶t̶ I don't want this to be too luck based, and critical hits can be really unfair sometimes. 'Where are the trainer sprites from?' Okay. Ace trainer clyde, midnight boss, and male midnight grunt were based off the sprites of the snowy route ace trainer, cyrus, and the normal male ace trainer, from pokemon platinum. Tanya, the female ace trainer and the female midnight grunt I made myself. 'The battle gui's from gen 3, but the battle sprites are from gen 4!' ... Gen 4 has better sprites, and Gen 3 is all on one screen. 'You changed pikachu's stats!!!' I just gave it a bit more defense... Also I think the pikachu you can use is holding eviolite. Oh, and I found the music for this from a bunch of scratch projects, rather than getting it myself. So, thanks to those people as well.
How To Play
[This game was designed to be played on a computer, and probably doesn't work on mobile. Sorry for any inconvenience] DOUBLE CLICK THE GREEN FLAG! If you don't double click, the opponent's team might mess up and stuff. It's important. Okay! Welcome to my game! This is just a small thing, rather than a big game like egnaro's adventure or bluey's quest. It's still got lost of bugs, but I'm too l̶a̶z̶y̶ busy to fix most of them. Press [SPACE] to scroll through text, use the arrow keys to choose things, and if things aren't working, just keep pressing [SPACE] and see if that does anything.
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