Game Introduction
Press Space to see how I made the artwork. - - - - - - - - - Thanks to @technoboy10 for inspiring me to make this project and for creating the original! Music: "Saturn" by Sleeping At Last Artwork: Everything was created in Illustrator, based on this: Font: Adam CG PRO Snow script inspired by and remix of @chezzyman's project, "Artie" Thanks to @speakvisually for the suggestion of adding snow onto the benches! EDITS 12/8/16: Shared 12/9/16: Changed it so the snow shows when you start project 12/9/16: Made snowflakes larger in opening
How To Play
I was super inspired by @technoboy10's project, "wind" - I really loved how it captured the feeling and essence of wind. I thought it would be fun to expand upon this idea by making a project about another element - snow! Just like @technoboy10, if you have the time, I would encourage you to sit back and enjoy the song while watching the snow fall. Press Space to see how I went about making the artwork! (I've broken up the image into different costumes so you can see my process for creating the overall scene and how I thought about breaking up the image into smaller, more manageable pieces ^.^) Also, everything was drawn in vector so feel free to use full screen mode! *boop* =^..^=
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