Star Wars Battlefront 2

Game Introduction

I'm probably never going to update this. I have gone to college, and am working on other things now. The only stuff I'm going to release might be small tutorials on simple stuff, like smoother movement and using fewer sprites. This game is a partial fusion of the sequel I was working on and the original version of this game. Thanks to dorypal5, ectoplasma, JOEJOE2 for costumes TO BE ADDED: -Super Battle Droid -Droideka -Grenades -Power Ups -Sound -Upgradeable items (reinforcements, health, speed) More Games: Space Wars Ultra: Red VS Blue: IF YOU ARE A NEW SCRATCHER, YOUR HIGH SCORE MAY NOT SAVE.

How To Play

INSTRUCTIONS -Arrow Keys or WASD to walk -Click to shoot at Battle Droids -Collect yellow Reinforcement Points from defeated droids. The portion of the Reinforcements bar filled with white indicates how full the bar is. When the white mark is visible, press R to call reinforcements. When the bar is 4 points full, 2 landmines come from the ground. When the bar is 7 points full, 3 landmines come from the ground. When the bar is 10 points full, 3 landmines and 1 Reinforcement Clone are called. When the bar is 14 points full, 4 landmines and 2 Reinforcement Clones are called. -There are 100 waves of Battle Droids. -You have 4 Health Points. Your health is refilled after each wave. STORY On the dry planet of Tatooine, a moisture farmer stumbled upon a massive deposit of Kyber crystals beneath the planet's surface. The Separatists quickly heard the news and sent a small army to mine and guard the deposit. However, a small Republic ship found their plans and, being the only unit close enough to the respond, sped down to the planet to protect the inhabitants and minerals of Tatooine.




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