Pokémon Darkness version
Game Introduction
13.11.2013 - 4th of what the community is remixing! Over 17,000 wiews?! This is the most popular game I have made! Why? xD Thanks guys! (and girls) This game is made by me on Scratch 1.4. Credit to the Nintendo and PokeRemixStudio for the music. ********************************************************************** The sprites are not made by me. The backgrounds are made by me. So credit for that boy/girl who made the sprites. I don't know who made them. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDIT IF YOU REMIX!!
How To Play
INSTRUCTIONS: Move the trainer with the arrow keys. *************************************************** In the battle, Yveltal has these moves: Oblivion Wing, it gives more HP to the Yveltal, and damages you. Hyper Beam, it damages you. Snarl, it damages you. *************************************************** Pokémon battle rules: Each move damages Yveltal, and when Yveltal's life (HP) is 0, you win. If your Pokémon's HP is 0, you lose. So think what moves you use. *************************************************** Thanks for playing!
Game Information
Game Popularity
Collection Count
1.1k favorites