Game Introduction
if you have an old code and would like to convert it to the new system, contact me below. Visit https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/116107598/ to play an updated copy of the game if this isn't working during updates. Current Updates: 04/08/16 - Working on pen variables (almost there, trying to fix unnecessary numbers from printing) 15/07/16 - updated purchased item pictures (more GIF's!), working on a system to block a security flaw that allows users to save cheat codes. 13/07/16 - updated background, changed store button to a chest, moved settings, centered cookie, fixed various bugs including sound off loop. 12/07/16 - updated thumbnail and settings icon, (more soon) Credits: this is a Minecraft version of cookie clicker game by @j3or found here: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/12575620/ and original game found here: http://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/ Thanks!
How To Play
Click on the cookie to earn a cookie! Buy upgrades to get automatic cookies added! Find out how many of each thing you can get before you get bored and post it in the comments below! Hey guys! only just thought of getting around to make some long overdue changes! hoping to improve the game even more in the near future! improvements in progress: - Modern (better looking) graphics, possibly more Minecraft ones - More difficulty to make game-play last longer - printed variables (no ugly orange boxes) Comment below your thoughts of these possible improvements and any others you think would improve the game!
Game Information
Game Popularity
Collection Count
3.5k favorites