- Basically my entire life -

Game Introduction

thanks to @snowjo88 for curating! I think i have a problem.... i keep procrastinating 0_0 90% of art by me (I used @ExperienceSea's and @Rosyda's logos) The two projects shown in the "What's Happening?" section are "Winter Hurdles!" by @ExperienceSea (Link - https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/137641287/ ) and "Flying Platform - Message ♡" by @Rosyda (Link - https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/137646898/ ) 100% of coding by me 100% of animation by me The music is Love is War music box version Oh, and the game "= Cupcake Bakery =" is actually a game I made (Link - https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/129397490/ ) ~- This is like my entire life on scratch xD excluding the one time i've been curated though :P

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