(Multiplayer Testing)
Game Introduction
NOTE: This is not completed. It was shared to test the multiplayer, but it can't be tested because Scratch's cloud server is basically completely down... Construction on this project is at a pause because Scratch's cloud clients are all automatically in http fallback only. Meaning multiplayer games can't be tested or played. Right now I'm just waiting on them to transition to web sockets and for the cloud to start working properly again... :'( Kind of a major disappointment because I was hoping to finish this in early January... :(
How To Play
---- MULTIPLAYER PROGRESS (NOTES TO SELF) STEP 1: Heartbeat method. Shows users online. Chooses a player ID: [DONE] STEP 2: Only allows you to play once project has checked online users. [DONE] STEP 3: Sets separate cloud variables to it's x/y positions, experience points, current animal, extra details, and it's menu (in game or in main menu). + decoding system for it all. [DONE] STEP 4: Leaderboards. Shows all the players and their score in order in the leaderboard. The leaderboard (list) pops up when you point your mouse to the top right. [DONE] STEP 5: Counter in top left shows the amount of players currently online. [DONE] STEP 6: Berries/water drops/mushrooms/etc are cloned when the green flag is clicked, and from there show or hide when they should. Also, in this update, cloud variables of objects on the map are set by the host of the game. [50% Done] STEP 7: Create clones for other players. Physics are implemented where you lose health when touching certain animals. Gain/lose xp, tailbiting, etc. STEP 8: Chat is implemented. Click "T" to chat. STEP 9: Glitches are fixed and has been shared on main account. ------ "Player(#) Info" Cloud variables decoding system... letter 1=negative or positive value of x pos. 2-5= x pos. 6=negative or positive value of y pos. 7-10= y pos. 11= mode: in game or in main menu 12= underwater/underground or not 13= (rhino only) charging or not 14-15= current animal 16-17= health 18= in hole or not 19=negative or positive value of direction 20-22= direction 23+ = experience points
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