Snowboard Physics Test v0.2c

Game Introduction

Yet another interesting test project on my test account :) Controls: You can leave him to slide without pressing anything, or use cursor keys to power him left or right :) - Nothing much to see really yet other than that. Info: This is the first time I've tried implementing some of the rigid body dynamics / physics maths into a project that detects collisions using "touching sprite" blocks.Thought it would make for something quite interesting, but it's always tricky to pull it off smoothly. Change log: 20 Jan 2017 - v0.2b - Auto righting after a spill, 2nd part of level to right of first - if you can reach it! Improved flat impact reliability. 20 Jan 2017 - v0.2 - Added Knee bending, Friction, Small amount of self levelling, Fixed collision issue, Timeout reset. 19 Jan 2017 - v0.1 - Initial Release

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