Colour Switch - A Platformer

Game Introduction

~ Colour Switch - A Platformer ~ Curated by @_Elektron_! Thanks! 23/03/17. Top remixed! Thanks! 29/03/17. Check out: ☰ Instructions Use the arrow keys to move. Avoid spikes, but you can pass through anything that is your colour. LOVE, FAVOURITE and FOLLOW for more! [M] Mute Music [S] Skip Level ☰ Notes Based on the game, Colour Switch, this platformer is practically the same, except this is a platformer! Sorry if this is slightly short, but I will be adding more levels soon! Enjoy! I won't respond to all comments, but I'll try to read them! No advertisement. Your comment will be deleted, possibly even reported. ☰ Credits Intro: @-Fornax- Code: @-Fornax- Art: @-Fornax- Font: Ubuntu Music: Travel The Galaxy (HD) Thanks to @Influenzi for the background colours. All the other parts of level were made by me! Thanks @Minimalion for the LOVE, FAVOURITE and FOLLOW symbol. Check out:

How To Play

This is my oldest project, and not best. So it's not my new design style. Check out:




Game Information

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Collection Count

1.8k favorites