Fast Food
Game Introduction
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Fast Food / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Another piece of trash by @teal08 / / / / / / / / Story / This is set in the not too distant future. When all bar the smallest fast food outlets have switched from man power to machine. Of course, there was a lot of backlash, but that died down suspiciously quickly. Anyway, After a... um... certain incident that may have involved a spatula, an eggplant, and a burger*, a burger, breaking several laws of physics, chemistry etc. somehow gained consciousness, and an understanding of its one purpose in life... / Controls / Cringy story aside, You'll need to know how to play this thing Use the left and right arrow keys to dodge the oncoming food/drinks You only have one life. How nice of me. / Credits / Me ( @teal08 ) for all the graphics/music Me ( @teaI08 ) for all the code Me ( @teal08 ) for Inspiration/story @_Elektron_ for curating this on March 24th 2017 You all for getting this top loved on March 25th 2017 And finally @kevin_eleven_1234 for being @kevin_eleven_1234 DISCLAMER No real burgers of any description were harmed during the making of this game. However, the same cannot be said about apples. *The exact circumstances on how the burger gained consciousness has been kept secret with your safety in mind. @teal08 does not take any responsibility for any injury or death caused by anyone trying to attempt/replicate the required process to give a burger consciousness.
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