★Hot Milk (meme)★

Game Introduction

★CREDITS★ Coding: Pretty much all coding is by @ceebee with some minor edits by me (namely adding another sprite for Mercy's bouncy curls lol) Music: "Hot Milk" by Snail's House Artwork: Entirely done in the scratch vector editor :D Font: Adam.CG Pro Background images found here: https://secure.static.tumblr.com/ec03070686ace00b1e5d6c5ce34d5218/wgcfdxn/YLrndcmnt/tumblr_static_tumblr_static_9ahdni97n6kg8ocg8w8wco4wg_640.jpg http://68.media.tumblr.com/25a09956c23157b3db5095e414d5b2a2/tumblr_oey1j9sV9c1tpvzl3o1_1280.jpg http://66.media.tumblr.com/93cc5f49af6a1f66dbf4e2db342e897b/tumblr_ntqoi29tdT1txa1qoo1_1280.jpg http://s1.favim.com/610/151223/aesthetic-alternative-amazing-beautiful-Favim.com-3796891.jpg ★thank you <3

How To Play

If you don't understand what animation memes are please check out this project https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/149449922/ before commenting. Thank you :D ★Major thank you to @ceebee for the coding/basically everything about this, I only added my own artwork :D You should totally check out @ceebee 's version of this and maybe do a remix of your own, it was very fun and easy! ★The character in this project is my oc, Mercy :D She's kind of like my mascot at this point haha ★I'd love to do more of these memes in the future, maybe on my side account @sapphic-antoinette




Game Information

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