Draw a snowflake

Game Introduction

Not an original idea, it turns out, but all my own work. The maths is not actually too difficult. http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/2761543/ is a similar project which pre-dates mine but I only came across later (May 2014) I've also created a version of this which creates its own random snowflakes ... and a more generalised version where you choose the number of repetitions http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/15058632/ Details of how the project works are in the Stage script area as comments.

How To Play

Draw your own snowflake by holding down the mouse button and moving the mouse - should quickly be obvious what to do. You can press the C key to clear. Don't blame me if you find it addictive! Remixes that don't change or add anything WILL be reported. Come on guys, at least change the background or something! Press R to see my explanation of why I do so (R again to clear).




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418 favorites