
Game Introduction

Music Was by Vexento called Crystal Child. Here is a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBmcGewribk&index=3&list=LLp_rNn-kp1cj8zYqghRexbQ This is supposed to be an upgrade of Launched. I used way too many unnecessary variables. Inspired by the original game Flight

How To Play

The instructions are in the game. Please report any problems. NOTE: if you go in fullscreen when you come back out occasionally the game won't work after. IMPORTANT: I am sorry but for some reason cloud data on this project just shut down. So if you get the high score, I apologize. I would also appreciate it if you checked out my newest game: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/151774331/ 10000 VIEWS!!! THANKS SO MUCH!!! 15000!?!?!?! WOW!!! 1000 Loves! 20000!!!!! I'm gonna stop, thank you! I guess not! 30000!!! Never thought this would happen on any project other than CAT-APULT. Thanks!




Game Information

Game Popularity


Collection Count

3.0k favorites