Griffpatch's Tower Defence v1.0

Game Introduction

1 Sep 2014 - v0.13b - Changed FUN mode to have less money, but easier enemies. 10 Jan 2014 - v0.13 - Added 3rd map, updated path finding to allow for entrance and exit pairs (two paths at once) 03 Jan 2014 - v0.12 - Added 2nd map, and new mob (fixed tesla turret damage bug). 29 Dec 2013 - v0.11 - Added Music & Sound effects :) 21 Dec 2013 - v0.10 - Tesla Turret added - They may be underpowered, I need to trail them a bit more :) 20 Dec 2013 - v0.9 - Restored enemy graphics (oops) + Added difficulty selector (fun is actually very hard difficulty, but it gives you oodles of money!) 19 Dec 2013 - v0.8 - Click a turret to upgrade + added a new enemy type, + different enemies are now affected differently by different weapons, + pause option, + bug fixes. 17 Dec 2013 - v0.7 - Click a turret to sell it 16 Dec 2013 - v0.6 - 2 new alien types, reduced number of waves, but more in a wave :) 14 Dec 2013 - v0.5b - Bug fixes 13 Dec 2013 - v0.5 - Added Wave Count & Lives + Fast Forward toggle. 13 Dec 2013 - v0.4 - Graphics redesign, cash added, enemy waves added, initial 20 or so waves added, 3 types of alien added. 10 Dec 2013 - v0.3 - Added 3rd turret type (slow shock tower, use key '2' to switch to slow turret) 10 Dec 2013 - v0.2 - Added 2nd turret type (rocket, use number key '3' to switch to place rockets). Updated pathfinding to prevent placement of turrets that prevent enemies from getting to an exit. 09 Dec 2013 - v0.1 - Split from Fieldrunner's Path Finding project v0.3 into it's own project to preserve the original simpler code away from this one :) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Fieldrunner's Path Finding project change log... ------------------------------------------------------------------ 08 Dec 2013 - v0.4 - Swapped tiles for guns, let me know if it's performing well enough? 06 Dec 2013 - v0.3 - Non-Deterministic route finding (The fieldrunner will happily take either of two or three equally short pathways) 06 Dec 2013 - v0.2 - Can now place entrances and exits 05 Dec 2013 - Initial Release - Pathfinding and level drawing ------------------------------------------------------------------ Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------ Game Engine & Graphics by @griffpatch Music - BOT-LAB by 551527 - Sounds - - Thanks to Elmomo, thsha1, ljudman, nthompson, cgeffex, hamp999, knova & timgormly

How To Play AIM - Destroy all incoming enemy waves by placing towers. You can make their lives difficult by forcing them to take a long path. TOO EASY? THERE ARE 3 MAPS TO TRY - Click the large sideways arrows on the menu screen! Red Gatling Gun - Sustained but limited damage to ground troops. Green Glue Gun - Slows down a single enemy. Blue Missile Launcher - Splash damage and good air attack. Purple Tesla Turret - Large damage to close targets (ground or air) Here's some of the fun features: 1) Fieldrunner style pathfinding - Enemies spawn at an entrance and will take the shortest path to an exit. 2) Towers can be placed on the map by clicking, and they dynamically alter the route the enemies can take. 3) Guns target the enemy closest to where they are currently pointing then lock on until they are out of range.




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