Orbital Velocity v0.2f

Game Introduction

Just so you know I'm still alive! ;) - Yeah I know... nothing from me for ages! I'm really very busy outside of scratch - but here is a little something I just needed to have a play with - a gravity simulator moving bodies with randomised orbital velocity. Play around with: [G] = Gravitational Constant [Trails] = Length of trails [Random] = 0 spawn perfect orbits, 2 spawns unstable orbits [Space Key] = Respawn all The interesting thing I learnt while playing with formula for gravitational bodies is how difficult it is to actually get two bodies into a stable orbit without intervention (something putting them there!). All the bodies just either rushed off, rushed towards each other and then away again, or collided... very few got into a stable orbit at all!. So I googled for 'orbital velocity' and fed in the formula and wow, perfect circles! Hmm... except BORING circles, so I added the random element to give some interest back ;). I'm sure I will come back to tweek this a bit more... I kind of had other ideas about what I was going to do with this... So we will see :) Gravity Formula: g = GM/(r*r) Orbital Velocity: v = sqrt(GM/R) change log 11 May 2017 = v0.2f - Adjusted default orbit of large moon co compensate for gravity of both sun & moon. This allows larger bodies to orbit without colliding! Default orbit of moon now set to anti clockwise. 10 May 2017 - v0.2e - Fixed fake moon collisions 10 May 2017 - v0.2d - Switch from static sun camera to a dynamic sun camera (that follow sun, and attempts to match speed, but therefore provides a little give to show changes in motion of the sun). 9 May 2017 - v0.2 - Added Moon + fixes 8 May 2017 - v0.1 - Initial Release

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