Turret Shooter (100% pen)

Game Introduction

Music: Windfall - TheFatRat [Tasty Release] (Press M to mute and unmute) Check out Turret Shooter 2 Early Access: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/184935357/ If you want to remix this you need to be '100% pen project maker' and change something. Thanks to @DoritoGuy1021 for a 300th fave! PLEASE FAVORITE, LOVE THIS PROJECT AND FOLLOW ME! Sounds from www.bfxr.net (WARNING: THIS LINK CONTAINS BAD WORDS) Check out awesome remix by @clickergones: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/167851875/ Wow, this is only the popular project in my entire profile. Hall of fame (Post your score to the comments to submit!): * = New Scratcher (Posting the score in image websites like imgur) 1. @WhatUpBoiis123 , 113840 2. @drink940216 , 107570 3. @Rijaja , 91760 4. @hello-and-bye , 84640 5. @xPegasusx , 78450 6. @smartbow , 73294 7. @LQ1234 , 73140 8. @michael_hanxing , 73030 9. @Diggsthedog360 , 56250 10. @LesterScratch (Game Owner) , 54590 11.5. @PigeonBRO21 , 51060 11.5. @KingDerpFace30 , 51060 12. @steclub603 , 49330 13. @Foxtrot_Gaming , 46910 14. @iamdominic , 46620 15. @loopykids , 42380 16. @jackrum1220 , 42180 17. @scratchkitty176 , 40500 18. @-ShadowOfTheFuture- , 40040 19. @DoritoGuy1021 , 39380 20. @Gookypanda , 39200 I was probably confused at this because there are '.5' ranks. Scroll down for latest updates or notices 20 May 2017: Added music, Added player 'blobbing' effect, Further waves makes the game harder, Improved thumbnail, Added Highscore, Added Enemy Turrets, Game renamed to "Turret Shooter (100% Pen)", Improved Particles, Added Powerups, Added Background, Fixed music when the player dies 21 May 2017: Added intro, Now enemy turrets cannot shoot until it's activated, Improved Instructions 22 May 2017: Now you can get bigger scores by killing enemies as fast as you can 24 May 2017: Now you cannot get out of screen especially when collected speed powerup 29 May 2017: Highscore set to 51060 due to the cloud data glitch that @PigeonBRO21 can't save. 1 June 2017: Added Laser Powerup (there might a bug like you can shoot tiny lasers after this powerup finished :P) 10 June 2017: 100 views! Thanks! 18 June 2017: 20 faves and 20 loves! Thanks!, Thanks (i said it twice XD) to @-Galaxydust- for curating my project! 22 June 2017: 200 views! Thanks! 25 June 2017: 600 views! Thanks! 50+ faves and loves! Thanks! Added movement alternate control: arrow keys. Thanks to @JZDA for update suggestion! Added Electric Powerup, Added Score Check, Scores posted truly only can place to Hall of Fame. 26 June 2017: My project EXPLODED. 1500+ views! Thanks! 100+ faves and loves! Thanks! Hall of Fame Expanded to 20. 27 June 2017: 2500+ views! Thanks! 28 June 2017: 3500 views! Thanks! 200+ loves! Thanks! Updated Instructions. 29 June 2017: 4000+ views! Thanks! 200+ favorites! Thanks! 30 June 2017: 5000+ views! Thanks! 300+ loves! Thanks! 20 Aug 2017: Almost 6000 views! Thanks! 22 Aug 2017: 6000 views! Thanks! 20 Oct 2017: The 300th person who favorited this...

How To Play

MY OWN 100 PERCENT PEN GAME I MADE You are Blue turret. Shoot red squares and turrets Use WASD to move It spends energy when you shoot. Wait for the energy bar to increase. Touching red squares and bullets will hurt you. When you ran out of health, Game over. Collect powerups to get a help! Thanks to @ChocolateFactory for curating my own 100% pen project! If game over, Upper left value is score, Bottom left value is Highscore. Powerup Information: 1. Big Bullet (big blue circle): Use this to kill them with massive damage! 2. Speed (yellow thunder): Makes you move 3x faster 3. Health (red cross): Restores you health to maximum (allowed when you are damaged) 4. Laser (blue diagonal line): Shoots very quick and damages enemies softly 5. Electric (blue thunder): Makes you electrocute, zaps enemies when close to you, infinite energy Mostly liked: It needs more votes so the most liked powerup will be shown. Lag? https://phosphorus.github.io/#161939349 (there might be some bugs (for example, you got 200 points, the gui says 20))




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823 favorites