Warriors Game V1.1.6
Game Introduction
aaaaaa the art is horrible I'm going to replace all of them soon~ Thanks to moonsky for the idea. (go see her project!) I drew all the sprites. Remix if you like. Thanks to falcon-star (Warriors untold tales) for the pelt colour ideas. This is my first project, be kind to me!
How To Play
Arrow keys to move. click on a cat to talk to them. YES I KNOW IT IS (STILL) GLITCHY!!! GOSH 530 SCRIPTS AND 109 SPRITES!!! Eeeh I'm cringing at my grammar 3 years later XD Planned update: V1.2: -Adding more quests after you are a warrior/med cat -Be able to travel to the moonpool -More stories that the elders say -More cats in Apperentices and Warriors den -More places to go V1.1.6 Redrew some more stuff + reworded part of the stuff V1.1.5 Quite a lot of redraws! I hope your eyes hurt less with the new art XD V1.1.4 -You can now go back to camp to hunt! -Extra medicine cat quest V1.1.3 -Fixed hunting glitch -Added Reputation -Fixed elder story glitch -You can get prey from the fresh kill pile (kits only) -Added tutorial for hunting (a cat at hunting grounds teaching you) -Added the ad that tells you to love and star it!!!!! -Fixed attacking glitches V1.1.2 -Fixed hunting grounds glitch -Added mouseover interactions V1.1.1 -Added 1 more med. cat quest -Elders den -Shortened time to become an apprentice -Enabled sleeping -Fixed a glitch that cannot let duststorm sense your attack V1.1.0 -Holding bar -Deleting energy bar -Health -Leader is now Finchstar -Mentors-to-be ask you to be their apperentice instead of Hazeltail -Improved cat sprites -Added mate- -The thunderpath -Hunting grounds -Deathberries and Juniper berries V1.0.0 -Day/Night cycles -Can choose pelt colour -Can choose clan -Added fresh kill pile -Added patrolling quest when you are an apperentice -Medicine quests -Moonpool (medicine cat ceremony) -Warrior ceremony -Joining starclan when you have no more energy -Nusery -Kit at the nusery -Leader den -Medicine cat den -Energy bar
Game Information
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