♪ Losing my mind // Original // Gift ♪ [Old]
Game Introduction
2x the flag or it will lag (lol rhyme) Also, press the flag again if the timing is off and/or if it lags what am I even saying Flash warning(?) idk it's not that bad tbh Because this is on the top loved(?) section on scratch, I'm just going to put a small gore warning edit - Yes, I am planning on making tutorials on how I make this kind of stuff (Because a lot of people have asked). Just be patient edit - (oh wow so many edits) (sighs loudly) I knew this was going to happen. Someone made a different meme on youtube w/ the same song stuff and the same name so now this meme probably won't be able to go on youtube (it's getting more popular too). I'm just a bit concerned about this... I know someone is going to get mad at some point well... can't do much about it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ welcome to the internet edit - I am literally yelling at the fact that this has 1000+ views, like, tsym to all of you! (though I do suggest you check out the other meme in the desc) edit - Yikes, 200+ loves what is my life edit - Wowowowow I'm on what this community is loving asdfghjkl edit - How many bucket lists am I on? Wowzers edit - Uh oh, small problem. Turns out someone did this a day before me (and I didn't notice yo) so I'm just going to put a link here to the original meme https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/167102170/ I mean - kudos to @star-shattered also going to give an edgy warning... ye Bear with me, it's a long intro yes, it is supposed to be quiet at the start Oh my goodness, this is probably the best thing I have done I was going to animate but it made scratch lag This is a little gifto to @yunnie2005 (Read below) yes, there are a few things that could be worked on a bit more (eg, the arms and the body and how they occasionally get cut off) but I can't be bothered fixing all that eheh. For some weird reason (idk if you all have/see it or not) there is a problem with the brightness thing. It's probably a glitch or something. same goes for the background (except the problem isn't with brightness. Just look at the code if you want) ☁ Message for Mellow ☁ (Going to be long as heck) I really hope this is up to your standards ;-; aaa I am so sorry if Mellow doesn't look like the way I drew it. eheh. I'm also sure you get this a lot but you're probably one of my biggest inspirations, like, seriously. I would have just probably forgotten scratch if it weren't for you. If you do read this, I really want to say, good luck (if you're moving to yt but idk that's an assumption) and I hope I get to see more projects from you. (I know you're more active on DA but I really do like the memes you have made) You're art. Oh my goodness, I don't even know where to start. Like, I am so jelly. You draw sooo good. The way you shade and highlight things are perfect (although I do notice the occasional anatomy problem, but I'm pretty sure we all do that) here is a cat because I'm nice - ∧ ∧ = ( ⦁ω⦁ ) = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Choco can't tween Original - someone Coding - @Choco-Doggo Oc - Mellow (@yunnie2005) Time - tOo LoNg Art - me yo (add your name if you are remixing) Song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5TpNmS4OX0 (Losing my mind - Mystery skulls) Casually practising animation on Adobe... goodbye edgy
How To Play
this thing has been broken since 3.0 lol
Game Information
Game Popularity
Collection Count
2.5k favorites