Blob Story

Game Introduction

Can we get 1K loves?? UPDATE: Thanks to @hellopeeps112233 for the thousandth love! Glad you were able to check out the game! IMPORTANT: This is just a short preview of the game, so be sure to leave feedback and bug reports in the comments section! Change log 14 August 2017 - Actually fixed transition glitch. :) Thank you to all you guys who reported it!! 8 August 2017 - fixed transition and timer glitch 27 July 2017 - top loved! Woot! 26 July 2017 - curated by @bigpuppy. Thanks! 12 Jan 2017 - shared v0.7 on @ProgrammerTwo profile Credits: - Flag from Scratch asset library, animated by me - Font in thumbnail and menu is Bauhaus 93 - Font in game is Comfortaa - Menu Theme: "Tech Live', by Kevin Macleod - Main Theme: "Rainbows, by Kevin Macleod - Collision scripts based off of @griffpatch_tutor's - Coin animation based off of Irina Mir's

How To Play

In-game options menu accessed by clicking the pause button, or by pressing "p" Arrow keys to move, up key to jump Avoid spikes and drops! In the unlikely case of a glitch, press "r' to reset to last checkpoint




Game Information

Game Popularity


Collection Count

1.9k favorites