Captain Rocket
Game Introduction
Jump on rockets and go as far right as you can! ======================================= Instructions: ★Use left and right arrow keys to move. ★Go as far as you can! ★Jump on rockets to defeat them. If you crash into them from its bottom or its sides, it's game over! ======================================= If you are on mobile, ★Tap the left half of the screen to move left and tap the right half to move right. ======================================= ★I came back from vacation 2 days before releasing this game. ★Yes, it took less than 24 hours combined to develop this game! ★About a year ago, I made a Spring Ninja, a game with similar graphic style as this! Which one do you like more, Captain Rocket or Spring Ninja? ★Thanks for 6000 followers! :D ★Thanks for a Top Love after 5 hours of being shared <3 ★Thanks for a Top Remix after 2 days of being shared ^.^ ★Woah, thanks for making this trending on Scratch! ======================================= Credits: ★This is my attempt at remaking one of my favorite games by No Power-up, uploaded by Ketchapp. All graphics are 100% designed by me in Scratch. Most designs were designed based off of the original game. I designed the thumbnail in ★All programming were by @kevin_eleven_1234. ★The "minimum x" script for the clouds was by @Spidertest. ★Screen shake by @Spidertest. ★Explosion inspired by Spidertest. ★All sound effects belong to No Power-up and YouTube. ★Background music: Bossfight - Wobbly Tooth, Crunchy Apple ======================================= ★Thanks for playing! Mind pressing a ❤️ and ★ if you enjoyed? :D ★Follow to stay updated for upcoming games!
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