Game Introduction
the music is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, sung by Aimer! I lo00ve her voice ^__^ 2277 messages :0 including my own comments though... lol This section of animation is supposed to go with "you are the shadow to my light" from the song, Faded!
How To Play
afdshj this part took really long since i didn't have time to be on scratch at all lately qwq the dress animation is too fast but I cant fix it now ;v; feedback appreciated. pssh the dress animation looks more hilarious the longer i look at it haha thank you soo much for top loved on 10/17/17 (?? i think?? ;D) and again top remixed 10/24/17 (i think?? ;DD???????) Oh and if you see @sekkai replying to you, that's me just too lazy to switch account ;)
Game Information
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8.0k favorites