Game Introduction
ROCKET A GAME BY -FORNAX- FEATURED! Try beat my score of 810! HUGE UPDATE - 04/02/18 -Added WASD controls. -Higher quality graphics. -New song - bass boosted. -Fully synchronised. -Animations realistic. -Actually added ctrl+m instructions. -Detects when you do ctrl+m. -Finally fixed right side of screen bug! -Made a new intro logo instead just a rocket. -Finally, the title is in vector! -New play button. -Rocket trail is better and smaller. -Rocks are smaller. -Rocks blow up when you die. -Tonnes of other bug fixes! Update - 07/01/18 -Press Cloud Data for everyone's scores. -Press Cloud Data for the total seconds played. Update - 06/01/18 -Fixed score bug where it glitches off the screen. -Added music synchronization (the animations are in time with the music). -Fixed the play button issue. Update - 16/12/17 -Added score. -Enhanced thumbnail. -Deleted loading animation. Try beat my score of 810! ~CREDITS~ MUSIC - BLAZARS - POLARIS SCORE ENGINE BY @BSH1 USE THE ARROWS KEYS AND AVOID THE ASTEROIDS AND THE BARRIER. PLEASE LOVE, FAVOURITE AND FOLLOW TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT!
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