Star Wars Short :P

Game Introduction

STAR WARRRZZ! OI LUV STUR WRARSSS!!!!!! AAAHHHHHHH- -------Fun fact------- I watched the first star wars when i was four or six years old! AND I LOVED IS SOOOO MUUUCHH!! And ya i made the designs myself (This is a late may the 4rth project btw) -------Credits--------- George lucas, for star wars :P John Williams for da music of star wars.... also i found that musics in one of @WazzoTVs projects so thanks for dat!!! And u For watchin this, and (Kinda cliche) MAY DA FORCE BEE WITH YA. AAALLLLWAAYYSS....... :I

How To Play

I got bored and had no motivation... THEN I MADE THIS BEAUTY!!!!!!! lol. I pulled this together in about three days... *WHEW* I think it turned out pretty good! Tell me what you think in the comments! IF YOU ARE GONNA REMIX THIS PROJECT, MAKE SURE TO CHANGE IT TO MAKE IT YOUR OWN. i've had to report over 50 projects for copying, don't be one of those people. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT feetchre?? lol spelling :P Shoutout to my brother, @weisboys! check out his projects! also, stop the reign of pricess peach and join the toad empire! come up with plans to take over the castle! just follow @THE-TOAD-EMPIRE! Join the cause!




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