Will_Wam Tower Defense 2

Game Introduction

If you enjoyed the game, please consider following me! Thanks! :D ♥ ♥ ♥ Hacked Version: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/193392276/ WWTD (First game): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/164753122/ The Ninja 5 will be coming up in a couple of projects... to consider: - The "Highscore of the day" function is a new thing I made that seems to work as intended. It determines when it's a new day based on what the users' computers say collectively. So... The hope is it'll update itself as people play the project. - The new rule about only having 2 or 3 of each tower type is to stop OP combos of towers. (I implemented this when I realized Skye + Lavender combo is far too strong. Skye groups the enemies together, and Lavender easily obliterates enemies that are in groups.) - You will get less and less money from enemies the more rounds you play. Everyone's complaining it's too easy so I needed to add more challenge. - Enemies have a super short time of invincibility right after they're hit, so if many projectiles are on them at once they sometimes go through. - The Levi Tower glitch from WWTD should be fixed now. If not, please tell me! Credits: - Inspiration from BTD5, pretty much the best Tower Defense ever. - @Stickanimates for the M to mute idea. - The music was made by Blarrgensnorf on newgrounds. (I think?) - Art is like 99% by me. - Programming and game design was all done by me.

How To Play

Will_Wam Tower Defense 2! Aka WWTD2. :D Introducing new courses, towers, upgrades, bosses, highscore system, game mechanics, and more! Is it too easy? Too hard? > > > > PLAY HERE FOR LESS LAG < < < < https://sulfurous.aau.at/#187139359




Game Information

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