Metropolis Mayhem (Team Sonic)

Game Introduction

pls note that this song is not by me, it's by Sonic Paradox Team. Also, Sonic and all other stuff related to him is owned by Sega/Sonic Team/What Okay! Now with that boring stuff out of the way, we can get to the fun part of the description! Wait, descriptions are usually fun? =Fun Fax= - Watching Ashman792's animations inspired me to make this. Whether that's good or bad is your decision. :P - Originally, there were a lot less effects (i.e. Exclamation marks, stars, etc) most way through development. - Timing was drastically different between Scratch 1.4 and 2.0, so I had to end up going through each and every "Wait () secs" block and changing them, so if the timing is off to you, just shut up your face, ok? Please. - Tails fans probably hate me now. But you know what? I'm a Knuckles fan. He gets abused and picked on even in the games. So I dont care. :D - I'm really bad at drawing Tails and Knuckles. :D

How To Play

- Press the red Stop button - Wonder why the project isn't playing, because after all, it said so in the instructions - Realize the instructions never said pressing the stop button would PLAY anything - ...continue to press the red stop button




Game Information

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2.0k favorites