Game Introduction
I made this game in 2003 using Powerpoint and macros as a demo game for Smartboards in my school. Trouble is, the different versions of Powerpoint muck up the way the code works, and people are reluctant to activate macros - so it won't run on different computers reliably. Finally I have been inspired to remake this in Scratch so everyone can play. This is the 1st time I've used a graphic score display. I'm chuffed with how it works. There are still a couple of bugs to iron out. Sometimes it goes into Instructions mode and Play at the same time. It also does a zero strike sometimes. Hit the Green Flag to reset. Fixed the bug where you can score big by holding over a limb
How To Play
When the karateka strikes you have only a short time to block his attacks. Click any raised hands or legs to block them. If you click the wrong bit he'll add an extra block. Each round he gets a bit faster.
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