Rope Physics (Old Version)

Game Introduction

Of course this isn't some big project, just a fun little thing to mess around with. I've gotta make some projects extra small to spend more time on bigger ones! Like The Ninja 5! ;) Legend has it that if you stay long enough, you can watch other people break targets in real time... And yes, this is my new intro. It's a work in progress though. Credits: @djpro for the awesome text engine Music: Inner Journey - Audionautix.mp3 (Suggested by @RayAThing) For the record, this was shared on Christmas. :P It says shared on the 26th but that's cuz time zones and whatever.

How To Play

Rope Physics! (Not really, but it kinda looks like it I guess) Pick between a Mace, Yo-Yo, and Sticky hand! Swing them around in circles to break the targets! This might be good for relieving stress. Put all the sliders up for a peaceful balloon-like sticky hand. Put all the sliders down for a fast, destructive spikey ball! >:D




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