~Entertaining Eyes~
Game Introduction
❤️, ⭐️, and follow! TRENDING!!! TOP LOVED!!! TOP REMIXED!!! Comment ideas, and they may be added! PLAY THIS https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/176618247/ I NEED EYE TRICK IDEAS GUYS!!! (you WILL get credit btw) ❤️ by kevin_eleven_1234 Idea Contributers~ NitroDevsalt SneakMode15 Walle10-0 kittybelle25 kittykatmeowmeow09
How To Play
Experiment with keys on your keyboard, your mouse, and more! 25 things to find! 1000⭐️ and 1000❤️s will get you guys more activities! Dis is tha best~ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/176618247/ Comment your favorite! For some things, you will have to do move a lot or say something loudly while pressing a button. (e, and i)
Game Information
Game Popularity
Collection Count
1.0k favorites