Minecraft 3D v9

Game Introduction

Arrows - rotating, wasd/zqsd - moving, space - jump 1,2...9 - choose block/pickaxe, click/'K' - settings 'M' - mine/place block PLAY ON PHOSPHORUS TO AVOID LAG ─► http://phosphorus.github.io/app.html?id=113081818&scratch.mit.edu ◄─ Little credits to @snow-cannon for switching it to bitmap :) If you enjoyed be sure to check my other projects which may be even better: http://scratch.mit.edu/studios/428193 UPDATES: v9 - 27.05.2016 - complex settings window v8 - 19.03.2016 - shadow under blocks, mute and day cycle options v7 - 23.01.2015 - added FILLED BLOCKS, a little improved jumping v6 - 14.11.2015 - mouse control, simple night mode, better looking graphics on phosphorus, loading text to let you know how long you have to wait v5 - 16.10.2015 - a little faster, that's probably all I can do v4 - 10.08.2015 - project is replaced with new version, there is new 3d engine & physics engine, dog, better world generator, water, better sounds, mining upgraded - thanks to @finlay_cool for script I borrowed v3 - 01.05.2015 - realtime scripts added so the control is easier v2 - 28.03.2015 - script improvements

How To Play




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