Community Chess
Game Introduction
This project is getting older, so there are fewer people on. This means it could take a long time for someone else to make a move. If you're a new scratcher, you can't edit cloud data so it won't work! ---> Important: It is glitchy because of cloud data problems! <--- Sometimes the cloud variables randomly revert back to incorrect values and they update faster for some people than others. xD Idk what to do about that. You might see duplicated pieces (Like 2 kings), pieces moving in ways they shouldn't, etc. Oh well, lol xP Press M to mute the music! Also, concepts like being in check, castling, and stalemates aren't included in this version of chess. Those are all features that didn't seem worth the time to put in. Because I'm lazy :P I'm really hoping The Ninja 5 will be my next project... Fingers crossed. to @djpro for the text engine!
How To Play
Introducing... Community Chess! Pick either the black or white team, and play chess with other Scratchers in real time! When it's your team's turn, anybody on your team can make a move, whoever gets to it first. Obviously this is not meant to be played seriously; It's easy to troll and teammates are hard to coordinate with. The main point is to play rapid chess matches against other Scratchers for fun.
Game Information
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