Captain Phasma

Game Introduction

All remixes are fine! I prefer you change something about this, but adding sound seems like a good start! I might add music later on, I have a few ideas! ~Give me credit please? You don't need to ask to remix~ @TheRealPhasma <--- go follow her, she's nice :D ** Thank you to smartzx for deciding to curate this project!** Thanks for all the support from everyone on scratch! So many people are nice to me <3 Everyone deserves a <3 at least once in their life :D

How To Play

MYEAH < Comment this for a heart <3 This is Captain Phasma, fearless leader of her troops in the newest star wars movies! I decided to draw her, because her armor is sleek, shiny and a fun shading challenge! vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv I've wanted to get on top loved so long, perhaps this project can? Nevermind, it got on top loved, then on top remixed! SQUEEEE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Remember to leave a love if you like it! I take requests if anyone has any ideas for what I should draw next! Thanks for dropping in! :D




Game Information

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318 favorites